Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Billy and Terry on a school morning in October 2009

At the Zoo

Battle in the Living Room

Billy 7:30 am, ready for school

More biking Cincinnati

Biking Cincinnati

USS Nightmare - old river vessel converted for Halloween. Looking at Newport, KY.

Me not happy to have to bike up hill. I'm so unhappy I'll even walk it down hill for a bit.

Cincinnati on the left, KY on right.

Billy with Newport, KY in background.

At the House


Half primed, half 1st coat of Arctic Gray.

This is before I painted the basement floor.


The Park/Golf Course, Terry's Monopoly Game

I've not seen/heard too much squirrel activity on/around the house itself, but there are certainly plenty in mine and the neighbor's yards. Too soon to know if I've taken out any ring leaders.

Devou Park and golf course.

Terry's homemade version of monopoly. Works pretty well.