Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day Bed Ideas #1

Daybed at Olympos, Turkey

Somewhere in Thailand

From a web site in Indonesia
 Javanese daybed
Platform couch at resort in Olympos, Turkey

Simena, Turkey on Blue Cruise

Eqyptian Military Helicopter by passing bridges on 77 south at exit 28

According to what I can glean off the web, this is likely a variation of the Sikorsky S-61, shown below in a Malaysian owned version.

This is an example of the flag on the helicopter.

I just saw this today as I was driving back from a bike ride in Davidson.  Quite shocking - brings another part of the world right in your face.  It appears they were simply driving around the bridges as the copter is probably too tall.  Egyptian?  I think so, though most Eqyptian flags I've seen on the web have a yellow bird/eagle in the center. While this one seems to have a black one.